But, the garage wasn't top priority for big budget remodeling. I told her about a garage I had seen in the neighborhood, where the original owner (who worked for a travel agency - now an almost obsolete profession) had covered her garage walls, floor to ceiling with large travel posters. None of the subsequent owners ever changed it, and when you were out walking the dog you might catch a glimpse of a bullfight in Spain, windmills in Holland or the Roman coliseum. It was a very fun, bright garage.
Not knowing where to get travel posters, after some brainstorming we decided on maps. Did you know that AAA will give you their outdated roadmaps? Anyway Susan amassed a huge collection over the past few years.
Today, we tackled the project. Susan had already pre-painted the trim black, and pulled down a lot of wood trim pieces (think Tudor) from the era of the 70's bachelor owner. Today we used ModPodge, rollers, wallpaper tools, and lots of woman power to get it done! Craft skills of lining up edges and trying to avoid wrinkles were important. It was a big job and I think we are all sore. But I think it turned out great!
This first photo is the best "before" shot. I wish I had taken a true before picture. But, you can see what rough shape the walls were in.
Here's all the ladies hard at work -- Susan, Donna, Odette, and Jenny.

And here's a great after photo of the back wall.
We still have to put on a sealer coat and touch up some trim. But the hard part is done and it looks great! Plus, I now have a lifetime supply of leftover maps to use in collage and mixed media.