
Welcome to my blog. Over the years that I have been stamping and paper crafting, I have so often been inspired by the ideas on other sites and blogs. I hope I can pay that back in some measure with my own. (In between laughs -- or cackles as my son calls it!)

August 17, 2014

Create Retreat - Day 1 - Secret Imaginings Class

This past week, I attended the Create Mixed Media Retreat in the Chicago area.  Luckily I live in easy commuting distance so it helped to keep expenses down.  I had a great time, but after four full classes, I am pooped!  Who knew that creativity could be so tiring?  It was also fun to take three of the classes with my stamping buddy and artist, Trena.

My first class was "Secret Imaginings" taught by Liesel Lund.  She was a great, cheerful instructor.

We started with soft music and meditative writing, about what we would want to be and such, if we could be anything.  We then used those imaginings to inspire three different collage style pieces of art.  It's a method I had never done before, but it was a useful springboard to the creative process.

I didn't really finish any of these pieces...but I like the direction they are headed.  They all need more work, but I'll share what my "secret imaging was".  I was a fairy, who lived in a toadstool house in a beautiful meadow.  I rode my dragonfly and especially liked the wind in my hair in the autumn.  I created art and would spread joy to people by sharing that passion.  After a long day of this, I settled in to have a great cup of coffee and read and dream about where to travel next.

We've had a beautiful summer here in Chicago, not too hot!  I think as temperatures cool and we get the winter snows, I'll play in the craft room and finish out these pieces.  My favorite so far is the autumn one; I love the rich colors.They'll then be folded in half into a book format.

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